Miyerkules, Marso 14, 2012

Saving Mother Earth:
A Way for a Clean and Safe Environment

Trees, plants, forests, birds and fishes, these living things consists our Mother Earth. Because of these things, we live and we breathe, we have our home, we have or shelter, some of them are considered as our food and lastly, Mother Earth shows us the real beauty of life. But what if these things might destroy? we really don't know when will it happen, maybe centuries, decades, years, months, weeks, days or even tomorrow and we are the one to blame. What will happen if Mother Earth will be destroyed? Can we survive? How can we repay the benefits we received from our Mother Earth?
We all know that God made Mother Earth. He made this for us to live, but the people who are supposedly taking care of it are the one destroying it.

Here are some causes our Mother Earth is getting worst:
·         Combustion of fossil fuels in cars, factories and electricity
·         Gases that are used for refrigeration and industrial processes
·         Loss of forests and will store CO2 (Carbon Dioxide)

These things may cause harm to other people and to our environment and the most dangerous of all, it can cause Global Warming which can worsen or destroy our Mother Earth. From all that negative things happened, still, we need to find a way to lessen it and here are some of it:
·         Plant trees
·         Join an environmental group
·         Buy green products
·         Lessen the use of cars (if it’s only nearby or walking distance, it is better to walk rather than using car)
·         Use 3Rs (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle)

Mother Earth is weak and starting to loosen but we can still change this if we will stop ourselves in doing things that can worsen our Mother Earth and we can do this if we will help each other. Because in helping each other, there is unity and perseverance.



Lunes, Marso 12, 2012

ICT : A Better Way for a Brighter Future

ICT : A Better Way for a Brighter Future

            Information and communication/s technology (ICT) or Information Technology (IP) is used almost by all the schools and offices not only in the Philippines but in the entire world. Now, Agusan National High School is implementing ICT.
            ICT is utilized to make students and teachers have their good communications in ANHS. This organization enables us, users to create, store, transit and manipulate information.
            Through this program, we can merge to other people not only in our country but to the whole world, we can be updated with the things happening outside, know how to use computer and how to have networking, how to surf internet, how to communicate with your love ones from a far and especially teaches you a better way for a brighter future.
            But all of a sudden, not all the people know what ICT is. That’s why ANHS implements it so that students will understand more the new technology in this generation.
            Just like the vision of ANHS, ICT envisions to produce competent learners through ICT classes.
            ICT teachers in ANHS are also trying their best to let the students understand the benefits and disadvantages of ICT. Even though it really helps us a lot bust still there’s also things that ICT cannot do. It also has its limits.
            This program wants to develop our skills and talents, to be seen by other people, to be a good model to other students and to be proud of what we achieve.
            ICT is a good subject to be utilized and understand by people. Someday, we students will benefit this program and we will be thankful for it.
            So, ANHS is now starting to implement good ways to help students understand what Information and Communication Technology is.